Mul on rõõm kutsuda Sind ühinema rahvusvahelise coachingu nädala raames toimuva webinariga 30.4.2019 kell 13:00 – 13:45, mida veab Ave Peetri, PCC. Webinar toimub inglise keeles.
What makes us high performers? How can we sustainably meet and exceed expectations of today’s world? Especially, we, entrepreneurs.
When coaching teams and individuals, we have noticed that there are a number of beliefs that people often have about being a high performer: I need to be an extravert, I need to learn to multitask, I have to have more willpower and the list goes on. Maybe some of you think the same? Let’s explore some of the beliefs that people have about high performance and look into what research and neuroscience actually say about them. You might find that you are doing exactly what you need to do to be a high performer, or you might be relieved that you do not have to become someone else.
ICF Estonia is hosting a webinar where Ave Peetri, PCC, will walk us through the latest robust research and neuroscience discoveries on what helps, and what prevents, high performance. We can all discuss, share and explore, and have some myth busting fun too!
Webinar toimub Zoom keskkonnas, liitumiseks palun vajuta linki: